Good Friends

Good Friends

Global Pay is the Silk Road

Advance into the world with GoodFriends!


Business Partners




Payment Methods

Our Goals

The Silk Road started in 1877 :)

Domestic companies can not grow into global companies because of the inefficient payment methods. Good Friends has the ability to connect customers around the world with businesses. Good Friends Pay is the modern version of the Silk Road.

Why we started?

We love to make things easier for everyone. Back in 2018, we saw that financial products and services are becoming more complex, which divided and fragmented the industry. Confusing languages, hidden fees, and lack of security against fraud make it difficult for users to reach their financial goals.

Our Products

Global Payment Service

We make global payments easy, reliable and secure.

Best Payment in Asia

You can go live in any country in as little as one day.

Reliable Service

We provide stable payment service 365 days a year to all countries where internet service is available.

Our Values

Each member of us has only one goal.

  • Simple

    We always try to make things easy for you.

  • Transparent

    We know that transparency builds trust.

  • Reliable

    We work very hard on integrity.

I thought about how to satisfy both companies and customers.

We found a method called "Global Payment Service".

Global Payment Service, create business opportunities.

Customers will receive better service.